Friday, August 8, 2008


so to continue on the Moving post... The reason why we are doing this is...We bought a townhouse!!! YAY! Well we put down half the earnest money last Saturday and then in October we will go in and pay $2500 for the contractor fee and then away we go to building our first home! Its going to be so much fun. I get to pick out everything, from the paint to the counter tops to flooring. It will start being built in October and then be done for us to move in sometime in January. The townhouse is in North Salt lake so way close to work, and we don't have to deal with all the North traffic we will just miss it. We wanted to buy a house but they are so stinking expensive and you get a shack. And with my medical issues and not knowing if we are going to be able to have babies :( this will be perfect for us. I will have to have a House warming party and invite all you girls over, I will miss the ward you guys have been great to me.


Kristin said...

Congratulations Emily (& Ian)!!

Kristin said...

And, by the way, your braces look stylin!

Rachel said...

That's so fun that you are building your own condo. I would love to have everything new and the way I want it. You'll also be super close to my parents so we should hang out more often. If you need any help moving, just let me know.

It's Miller Time said...

Yeah! You guys will be closer to us. I am so happy for you guys. Let us know what we can do to help.

Jauni said...

That is so exciting Emily! I wish I could do anything I wanted to the place that I live in now! you are super lucky!

Hilary said...

I haven't checked blogs forever, so I'm not just ignoring your blog I promise. That is way cool! I want to hear more about it! Hey, I made my blog private but i don't have your email. Will you send your address to me? I miss you!