Thursday, August 7, 2008

Any takers??

So for all you that don't know... Me and Ian are moving... This weekend... I know soon and i am stressed!!!! Well we have to be out of our apt by Aug 24. but we are going out of town the 15th so we want everything out so i can clean. I have to do a really good cleaning job (its going to be way cleaner then when We moved in) Our landlord is letting us break our lease 2 months early so we can move out. Where you ask... We are moving in with Ian's grandparents house. We are exited to pay off my medical bills and save some money. I am ready for a change. It has been a great place for us for the past Two years. We are sad to go but exited about the future!! IF ANY ONE KNOWS ANYONE LOOKING... its a Two bedroom 1 bath and a one car detached garage that is way nice to park in for the winter. there is a shared Washing room with the folks upstairs. Its not the newest thing ever but i have painted some of the bathroom to help it out alittle (I love crafts and had a hard time remembering that it is a rental)He is going to rent it out @ $790 a month. I am not sure what this includes. I think you might have to pay utilities. So if you know anyone let me know!!! we would really like for it to rent out so we don't have to pay for 2 more months. I will give you more info later...this is already a novel. (oh we are staying in Utah unfortunately)(I really miss home TEXAS)


April said...

what?? I'm sad you are moving! I hope the new place works out for you guys though :) Keep in touch!

Kim said...

I can not believe you are moving, just as we were getting to know each other! Well at least you are out of Primary! Good luck to you guys! Keep in touch!

Kristin said...

Moving - no way - at least we have your blog to read to see what you are up to - good luck - come visit us once in a while :)